Saturday, February 4, 2012

Suggestions Wanted!

 I have seen so many wonderful displays for Have you Filled a Bucket Today?  I have done this for three years and I just love the book and the students LOVE writing and receiving the bucket filler notes.  It gives the class a common language to talk about bullies and hurting others feelings.  This year, I just didn't have space to put their buckets in the classroom.  So, the students made their buckets and we are using them as locker tags.  The students wrote their names on them and decorated them how they wanted.  I laminated them so they would last longer.  During lunch (we eat in the classroom) the students can write bucket fillers and distribute their bucket fillers and at the end of the day the students can look in their buckets.  The system works and I like having them in the hallway because it adds an element of surprise but the locker tags are looking beat up!

They have fallen off and so I have them taped and re-taped with packaging tape.  The lamination hasn't held and some of the lamination has peeled off or the library pockets have ripped.  What suggestions do you have for me to improve this?  I have seen some cute ideas of using actual buckets- which I like but I don't know if they would get knocked off the lockers or how I would attach them to the lockers. I am open to any and all ideas but I want to keep them on the lockers.  So PLEASE leave a comment and give me an idea- I am stuck! Thank you :)


  1. I love that book. I found it for the first time this fall. We ended up making a class book to go with it. Sorry I don't have any useful ideas for how to solve your problem though. :)
    Forever in First

    1. Isn't this book great? Do you have any of the others that go with it?

  2. Like the idea of the kids filling each other's buckets up. The only idea I can think of for attaching the buckets to the lockers would be with fishing line through the handle of the bucket and then run the line through the slots to attach to something inside. Or how about those 3M hooks that attach with adhesive. Maybe hooks that are magnetized...
    I am now following you. :)
    Conversations in Literacy

  3. OOH! Those 3M hooks could be great...I'll be looking into it!
