Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Clutter Free Classroom Linky!

Clutter-Free Classroom
So I love the blog Clutter Free Classroom- seriously, I LOVE it!  I am a huge fan of organizing.  Wow, when I read that last sentence back- it sounded so trite- but REALLY.  I like putting things in order, I like looking at containers and dreaming about how I can improve my organization at home and at school.  Anywhoo, I have been following the steps to a clutter free classroom on there and I am proud that I have some areas already under control and other areas that I could use more help.  The site is hosting a linky party to show your teacher desk/ table and I thought I would join up!

I don't have a teacher desk- I have a a table where I work with small groups, I have a cart (for lack of a better term) where my ELMO and projector are and where I keep my teacher manuals etc. and then I have an area where I keep my computer.  It sounds like a lot- but it works for me.  Here are the pics!

Okay so:

What I like about it:

I like that I have all of my materials in the cart.  I have easy access to anything that I might need. I also like that I have a station in the front and the back of the room. No matter where I am what I need is at my fingertips.  I like the size of my small group table.  It has our class fish bowl on it, which can be a distraction at times, but it looks cute and when I am not meeting with groups kids like to sit there and watch the fish swim.  I also like that it is in the back of the room, out of the way so that it is in a quiet area of the room and the cupboards behind it can hold any reading or math group materials that I might need for the day.

How would you like to change it:

The cart- UGH.  It is big and boxy and sticks out like a sore thumb.  I can't do anything permanent to it, like paint, but I would love to find some way to make it cuter!  The shelves aren't great either- they are very short and it's difficult to put anything on them/ take anything off.  I put the projector on a shelf because I thought it was too cluttered on top to have the ELMO, projector and occasionally my laptop on there at one time.  If I lived in a perfect world, I would exchange for a smaller table/cart, mount the projector to the ceiling, and have taller shelves so I could use containers (my favorite).

What changes did you make to it as part of the Clutter- Free Project Challenge:

I cleaned out the area under the cart.  Since I don't like the cart that much it had become a bit of a dumping ground.  I purged and gave away/ threw away the things that I didn't need, use or want.  That cleared out a lot of space.  I used a book end to keep my manuals tidy and put some extra tape rolls, teacher scissors in a green container.  It's much easier to get at the things I need now.

What tips can you share to help others have a clutter free classroom:

First, I would say- don't let things pile up.  When you get papers- file them away or recycle them.  Next I would say- find a time once a week/month to go through a certain area and clean, tidy, declutter.  It helps it to not be overwhelming later.

Well, hope that helps! If you haven't done it yet, don't forget to stop over at Clutter Free Classroom and join up in the party!


  1. I'm probably being really nosey but I'm a UK secondary teacher (11 to 18 year olds) what's an ELMO??

  2. Not nosey at all! Isn't that what reading blogs is all about? An ELMO is just the name brand of a document camera. We use it to project books/worksheets up on the board. http://www.elmousa.com/

  3. Could you add colored or patterned contact paper or fabric to the sides of the cart? I know it would drive me crazy, too :)

    1. I haven't looked into it- I am not familiar with how contact paper works- if the sides of the cart have holes in them, would it still stick?

  4. I was going to suggest contact paper too! You could also hot glue a fabric to it to make a table cloth type look. I love your room!

