Saturday, January 21, 2012

My first post!

I can't believe that I am starting a blog.  I am very excited about it and have so many ideas running through my head.  I am inspired by all the wonderful teacher bloggers out there that I have stalked for the last 4 years without ever even leaving a comment! I guess I was shy...

I plan on chronicling and reflecting on the many ideas I get from pintrest, fellow bloggers, and my co-workers. I will link to the original inspiration and then show how I have either put my own spin on it, adapted it for my class of kiddos, or possibly failed miserably in my attempt! Thanks for reading!

I have been on a snowy "vacation" for the last week with 4 whole snow days in a row! So I don't have any of the pictures that  I planned on posting and explaining.  Instead, I thought I would start my first post by sharing one of the most exciting things that has ever happened to me.  My school was the second school to win the $100,000 grant from Target and the Ellen Degeneres show.  It has been a fantastic 2 weeks back to school after break filled with tears (of joy and sadness) and exhaustion!  The grant is wonderful and I am excited to see what my principal decides to do with the extra cash.  However, the greatest thing that has come out of this whole experience is the positive dialogue about teachers and low-income schools.  Sure, there have been some "haters" (as my students say) that have tried to bring us down but to see my fellow teacher friends on TV as professionals who love and care about their students still brings tears to my eyes.  Teachers work so hard and get so little positive recognition that when we actually do- it is something to remember.

You can watch the video clip from the Ellen Show here

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  1. I'm your newest follower! I'm new to the blogging world too (and a former stalker!)

    Wild About Second Grade
