Sunday, January 22, 2012

Classroom Tour!

My favorite part of blog stalking teachers is looking at all of their wonderful classrooms!  I capital L- LOVE- decorating my classroom and I can never seem to quit.  To be sure, it takes a lot of extra work and *cough* cash *cough* but for me- it's about loving the space.  I spend so much time in the room that I need to like the way it looks and most importantly- a well organized classroom limits behavior problems and cuts down on transition times.  So without further is my classroom (so far, this year)

 This is the view from the hallway leading up to my room- you can see our class lockers, art work and New Year door.

This is what you see when you walk in the door.  The rug on the floor is one that I purchased for my apartment from TJ Maxx--but the Mister thought it a bit too girly for his taste.  Most things that I purchase end up in this room one way or another!

From the doorway, if you look right- this is what you see! I have some built in shelves and that small wall space where I keep my birthday board and classroom jobs.  I have a bit of a star theme this year!

We keep our extra supplies on these shelves.  The student who has the pencil sharpener job sharpens pencils twice a day and that's it!  The noise drives me crazy!  Then, the slanted file holder is where students turn in their work- I have a separate one for each subject!

This is my math board.  We use this area for our daily calendar math.  The calendar pocket chart is held up by a PVC pocket chart holder I made and my husband spray painted purple!

This is the front board- I keep our daily learning targets, copies that I need for the day, as well as a class reward system on this board.  One of my favorite quotes is displayed above. "Every great dream begins with a dreamer.  Always remember you have within you the strength, the patience and the passion to reach for the stars and change the world" - Harriet Tubman
On the left side of the front wall is this writing board.  I have writing supplies on shelves below the board and anchor charts/posters are pinned up here for reference.

Then I have another board here- I love the amount of wall space available in this room!  Currently we have some social studies fish bone diagrams we created hanging up.  The open shelving below this area is covered by curtains sewed by my lovely teammate Erica!

My row of windows and computers.  These windows look out into a courtyard that if I had anything resembling a green thumb- I would get out there and plant something- but alas, I have no idea where to start!

My science board- a work in progress- we seem to run out of time for does everyone else fit everything in the day!

My back wall.  The students don't keep much inside their desks so this counter houses all of their text-books, journals, and book bags.  The pennant hanging near the ceiling was made by my first year class for my wedding!

The other half of my back wall.  I teach reading from the second board- with my reading board and chart paper.  My small group table is in the back center of the room.

My small group table- room for 6 kiddos and our class fish!

My reading group area.  I enjoy having two separate teaching areas- and this cozy nook is perfect for reading!

My reading board- these charts are changed/ rotated often!

My last wall!  Reading nook on the right- board in the center- and word wall on the left.  I keep my individual behavior system on this board.

This is my chart- their names are on the magnetic stars and then it's a simple green, yellow, red system.  Our rules are posted on there too!

The last view of the room, circling back to the door.

Some pictures from my library.  I made the rain gutter shelves and they are fantastic!  It is my fourth year of teaching third grade, in the same building, in the same room and I still have yet to find an organizational system that works for me and my teaching style but, that discussion is for another post!

This is what I see as I leave the room each day.  The students sit in groups of 4 or 5- each table group is named Monday- Friday and then that group is in charge of calendar, is first to line up and other classroom activities for their day.

Thank you for taking a look at my classroom.  If you have a question or suggestion for me, please leave me a comment!

* Sorry for the quality of the pictures- I forgot my camera- used my phone- and couldn't wait until tomorrow! *


  1. Hi Julie! I love the classroom tour! I am definitely doing this in the next few weeks. I especially love your reading nook. I'm glad we've found each other in the blog-o-sphere! Have a great week.

    It's Grow Time!

    1. Thanks Dani! I started following your blog as well! I tried to post a comment but I am having a moment. I am following you so I should be able to comment, but "it" wont let me!

  2. Love your room! it's so bright and friendly looking, I love your gutter bookshelves! Welcome to blogging I can't wait to keep up!

  3. Welcome to Blogland! YAY for another 3rd grade blog. I'm your newest follower. I too teach children in a low income area. My kiddos are the best! Come by for a visit when you get the chance!

    Chatterbox Blessings,

  4. Actually, I was looking for your followers but didn't see it, so I am following you from my favorite blog reads! :)

  5. I love looking at classrooms too! And spend too much money on decorating mine. I love all your boards. I wish I had the energy to change them as much as you. I am your newest follower!

    Apples and Papers

  6. Your classroom looks very well thought out. Congrats on your new blog. I'm following now.
    Forever in First

  7. I just found your blog and loved looking through your room! I am about to start my first year teaching so I am gaining all kinds of inspiration from other blogs :) I've never heard of naming groups by the days of the week; that's a neat idea! I'm now your newest follower!
    Jungle in Room 207

  8. Thanks for your pictures and descriptions - I love the rain gutter shelves! I am definitely going to try to adapt that in our classroom!
