Thursday, July 4, 2013


I hope that everyone is enjoying their fourth of July.  No picnics, barbecues or fireworks for me- the husband is away for work this month and I am left to my own devices (muahahahaha)! My poor dog just can't handle the fireworks and I didn't want to leave him home alone on the worst day of the year for him!

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I am leaving my school and making the leap to a new school and a new grade level.  It was not an easy decision for me and I must say that even after I had signed on the dotted line a part of me wanted to take it back!  I was lucky to spend a day observing at my new school and met my kindergarten team and that really quieted any fears that I had.  Now, I am in full excitement mode.  Change is good.  I read this quote recently:

“Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.”--Maya Angelou

That truly sums up my decision to change.  I needed a new experience. I need a new challenge.  I hope I can remember that when my little kinders arrive on the first day of school.  I hope I can remember that change was my decision when things are done differently or I am not sure how to do the basic things that came as second nature at my old school.  I want to be able to remember that I asked for this change, I wanted this change and in order to grow as an educator- I needed this change.

So- to help me remember, I created this 4 x 6 subway art that I can frame and keep on my desk.  I uploaded it to a google doc so you can grab it too (for free) if you are interested! 

1 comment:

  1. Great quote and awesome freebie! Thanks for sharing! =)

    Ms. Smith
    Adventures of Ms. Smith
