Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Finding My Joy...A Call to Help!

Hi blogging friends!  I am happy to be back "talking" with you after what feels like a long time!  Please let me explain my started and WHOA!

I am hoping that I can recruit you to help me out with teaching struggling second grade readers.  Do you have any books you suggest that I read or lessons or tips that I should try?  I am teaching the struggling reading group this year and I am not finding the joy---YET!  We all have those things about teaching that truly bring us joy- something that you can cling on to even when the rest of the day doesn't go as planned.  For me, this has always been helping children discover that they LOVE reading.  It might be guiding a student to a book that they can't put down, or helping a student find an author that they love so much they go out and read every book that that author has ever written.  I have never found that same joy in helping students identify letters, letter sounds or rhyme and that is where my group is at right now.  I am so anxious to get them to the next step that I don't feel like I am giving my best instruction.  So- please, point me in the right direction, help me find that joy in these struggling readers!


  1. What about doing phonics poems? My K friends loved it when I did letter poems or sound poems with them. Or picture sorts? The Mailbox has some really cute ideas for this. I hope this helps!

    :) Kaitlyn
    Smiles and Sunshine

    1. Thank you Kaitlyn! I am slowly finding my grove but sound poems sound like a great idea to help speed that process along for me! I'll let you know how it goes :)

  2. They can sure learn a lot about letters and sounds (phonemic awareness) from their own writing. They will also love to read books about themselves. Are there some classroom books that you could make that would help? They sure need lots of books that are right at their level too. A lot of easy reading makes reading easy. I have lots of great teacher resource books. I'm just not sure exactly which would best fit your needs. Good luck. You'll get them there.
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  3. Great idea! I am starting a class book next week! Thanks! :)
