Thursday, July 12, 2012

Teacher's Inky Linky!

Mr. B at Mr. B's Beach Brains is hosting a non-teaching linky party and I have a quick minute to spare before my Mother-in-law arrives so I thought I would join up! *For those of you keeping track, my father-in-law and step-mother-in-law just left Tuesday and I already have another guest--BUSY!!

Anyway, here are the rules: 

1. Please use good judgment when posting pictures of your tat. If it's in a place where we have no business looking at it, then please don't. If it contains profanity or other vulgarities, please do not post it. 

2. Please DO share your pic and story as to why you got it and what it symbolizes. 

Anyway, here is mine!

I got mine when I was 20 and studying for a semester in Costa Rica.  It is not that fun of a story- I e-mailed my family and told them what I was planning.  They didn't get upset- they just tried to pull the "what will your grandparents say???" guilt trip.  I am not easily swayed so I went ahead and did it anyway!  I had always liked the look of traditional tattoos and I picked this one because of what I was told was the original meaning.  I heard that sailors got this tattoo when they had traveled a certain distance.  I felt that I had traveled- both physically and mentally throughout my life and this one would be perfect.  I found a great shop in San Jose and even had the pleasure of making friends with some of the artists for the 5 months that I was there.  

Many people are surprised when they see that I have a tattoo.  I guess it is not something they would expect from me and it is not visible unless I have my hair up in a bun.

And if you have one, don't forget to link up!

Okay, time to get ready for round 2!  Happy blogging :)


  1. Your tattoo is beautiful, and I love the meaning! I'm a new follower! =)

    Third Grade in the First State

  2. Love the tat! I also linked up and am your newest follower!
    Enter my giveaway @ Fun in 1st Grade

    1. Thanks for following! I can't wait to read about yours :)

  3. Julie - Love the tat and thanks for linking up! :) I'm a new follower too! One common theme I am reading blog-to-blog is our grandparents. Mine would flip if they knew I got a tattoo. lol! I love the meaning behind your tat as well. We can't take our life experiences for granted and these symbols are great reminders of where we've come from, where we are, and where we're going. :)

    Thanks again!

    Mr. B's Beach Brains

    1. Thanks for a fun linky- can't wait for more :)!

  4. I am giving you the Liebster Blog Award! Please check out my blog for the details!
    Third Grade Love

  5. I like the story behind your tattoo! Sounds like you have been very busy with guests this summer!
    Conversations in Literacy

  6. I love the meaning of your tattoo! I am your newest follower! :)
    Apples and ABC's
