Saturday, June 30, 2012

I'm baaaaaaack!!!

It feels so good to be home and I can't wait to sleep in- in my own bed tomorrow!  I have learned SO much in the last five days.  I can't believe how much information was packed into five short days!  For those of you who don't know, I spent the last five days in Portland, OR studying with the brilliant Anita Archer and preparing myself to be a district trainer in Explicit Instruction (her new book).  I will probably post a couple of things throughout the year- but I am technically not supposed to give away too much information- otherwise you wouldn't need a trainer!  I did want to share some "Archerisms" right away and as I practice my own instructional skills throughout the year I am hoping to post with video and talk about all that I learned!

Easy to remember classroom "Archerisms"

  • Easy lesson design: I do it, We do it, You do it
  • While monitoring practice: Walk Around, Look Around, Talk Around
  • Regarding management: Avoid the void for they will fill it!
  • Regarding management (especially for recess/cafeteria): Scan, predict and move toward
  • Teach with passion, manage with compassion
That's it for now! Here I am with Anita at her house for a cocktail reception.  Some people think we look alike!  I would love to be as knowledgeable as she is one day- I'm on my way!


  1. I love the Archerisms. I'll be looking forward to more in the near future! Welcome home.
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  2. Sounds like fun! I've given you the Versatile Blogger Award. Come check it out!

    :) Kaitlyn
    Smiles and Sunshine

  3. I love "avoid the void for they will fill it"! So, so true!!


    Third Grade's A Charm
