Thursday, April 26, 2012

Third Grade Advice

I don't have any fun pictures to share today, I just have some advice.  Advice from my third graders.  They wrote letters to our practicum student whose last day is tomorrow.  Their advice was so genuine and so insightful that I just have to share- enjoy!

“Be happy with yourself and the kids”

“First, give them hope.”

“Be patient”

“You need to learn a little about them”

“you might need to help some kids a little more than others.”

“You need to be aware of what people in the classroom are doing.”

“Have a great imagination.  Go outside a lot and go on adventures with your class.”

“Give the kids a chance to figure things out by themselves.”

“Be nice to all the students. Especially, the needful ones.”

“To be an exceptional teacher you need to show the students how to respect others.”

“You should always have a smile for the kids”

“have a good sense of humor”

“take on challenges”

“You will be amazing when you help them to be amazing”

1 comment:

  1. Wow Julie. Those are some very insightful thoughts. Such great thinkers they are.
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First
