Sunday, April 15, 2012

Furry Friends Linky

I have noticed some other bloggers linking up with Sandy at Soaring Through Second Grade and showing off their furry friends.  I just knew I had to join in on the fun!

Meet Emmett!
This is the first day we brought him home.  I found an ad without a picture on craigslist for a dog that needed to be picked up right away.  My husband was not interested in getting a dog- but I really wanted one.  We met with his previous owner at the park and it was love at first sight.  His previous owner wasn't the kindest person to him and Emmett was still able to come into our house full of energy and unafraid *for the most part*.  This taught me forgiveness.

This is how Emmett spends most of his time at home- asleep! He will curl up anywhere to sleep but his favorite spot is between your legs!
This is my husband Mark with Emmett.  Mark was not only unsure if he wanted a dog, he thought he didn't like dogs!  Now the two of them are best buds (those are Mark's legs in the previous picture).  Emmett has shown me that with kindness and tenacity- you can win anyone over!

I am proud to say that I am one of those dog owners! I love my puppy! He still struggles with some problems left over from his previous owner- but we accept him, flaws and all and will continue working!

If you have a furry friend that you want to show off, head on over to Soaring Through Second Grade  and link up!


  1. Emmett is absolutely adorable! I can see why he stole your heart! I love the picture of him with his tongue out!!! Thank you for sharing Emmett!!! :-)

  2. I saw your post about this, so I linked up too! Thanks! Oh, I adore your Emmett! What a sweet, sweet story! He's a lucky little guy, and y'all are most lucky to have such a great doggy! I have linked up to the party to share my sweet Maggie Bleu! Hope you can drop by!

    Furbaby Blessings,
    The Teacher's Chatterbox

  3. I'm so glad that you and your husband were able to make a happy home for Emmett! Love happy endings. :)

    Second Grade Math Maniac Blog

  4. I am your newest follower and also a fellow 3rd grade teacher. Please check out my blog~~I am new to blogging!

    1. Thanks for finding me! I am following you back :)

  5. Thank Adrienne! I am following you back- your puppy is the cutest! :)

  6. Emmett looks like a real sweetheart:)) I love that he sleeps in anice cozy spot, lol! My mom's shitzhu is the same way, he just finds your lap and goes to sleep:)

    Surfin' Through Second
