Thursday, March 15, 2012

It's Award Season

Wow! I am honored that Sam from A Teacher's Looking Glass passed along an award for new bloggers!

Thank you so much for the award and if you haven't checked out her site- you should!

I haven't had much to post lately-there is a flu bug going around my school and I had students running to the bathroom left and right!  I have been busy cleaning and sanitizing the classroom because I have some fun non-teaching things and the NAESP conference coming up and I don't want to be sick!

I am also embarrassed to say that we have not jumped on the St. Patrick's day theme in my classroom.  I am starting to feel the pressure of the state test looming over me (we take it May 1st and May 7th) and I haven't done as much as I would like to make sure the kiddos are ready for it.  Luckily, I still have time.  Even luckier, I have a great group of kiddos who I know have the skills they need to pass.  I mostly get worried about the emotional part of taking such a big test in third grade- it's a lot of pressure, stress,  and anxiety for my littles!  We read this book today and the kids thought it was a hoot!

If your library doesn't have a copy of it- you can find it here

1 comment:

  1. Hey Julie, can I email you? I've got a question for you. My email address is
