Tuesday, March 27, 2012

I am a Reader!

Like I have said before, I am feeling the crunch of state testing.  I know that if I am feeling it, my kiddos are feeling it- so I decided to take a step back today and talk about what it is that we LOVE about reading.  No multiple choice, author's purpose or text evidence necessary!  We started by brainstorming some things that we love about reading and then grouped them into categories.  I was so surprised to see my kiddos identifying that they love the people they read with, the places they read and they all had a favorite book!  All of the students identifying a different favorite book was a big one for me.  I have found in the past that I get a ton of Diary of a Wimpy Kids on their lists but know that they haven't even read the book!  Check out what some of the kiddies wrote!

So cute! It was nice to take a breather and remember that I teach reading because I want the kids to LOVE reading.  I don't teach reading so that they can pass a test!



  1. Test Schmest. :) You're right. This is what reading is all about.

    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  2. Absolutely adorable! I think my kids would love doing these!
    Awesome blog, Julie!

    1. Thanks Doris! Let me know if you end up doing it! :)

  3. Great idea! I love the different hands and faces the kids can make :)

    I'm your newest follower, a student teacher starting by first practicum next week :) I would love it if you could follow me back :D


