Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Family Reading Night!

Phew! I am exhausted and the week is not over yet! Tomorrow is dress like your favorite character day so check back tomorrow for more pictures!

Tonight was family reading night.  It was a BLAST!  The local food bank came to our school and cooked up Green Eggs and Ham for around 400 people!  Then, each grade level hosted an activity related to a Dr. Seuss book.  I could go on and on forever about how much fun it was and how much the families enjoyed it but I will just show you some pictures of our Dr. Seuss decorations instead! :)

 These are some decorations throughout the school.  Just love the look of The Other Cat In the Hat- created by some of our fifth grade students!
Each grade level decorated their door to "advertise" the Dr. Seuss book they worked on.


First Grade

Second Grade- They had an amazing display!

*Saving Third for last*
Fourth Grade

Fifth Grade

And then third grade- we really went overboard with Lorax stuff--and Dr. Seuss!
 Sneetches, Yertle the Turtle, Thing 1 and 2- we did them all!

 Our LARGE bulletin with all of our Lorax work on it!  Wall space is a premium in our building so we sneaky third grade teachers "claimed" our space with the blue paper and then we can't take anything down until we have enough to put back up!

The Swamee Swams were hanging inside the room!
 My Teammates doors! We ALL had to decorate!

  I wanted to do something a little bit different!

My team and ME (I'm in the middle) in our THNEEDS ::cough:: snuggies ::cough::!

See you tomorrow for dress up day!


  1. This looks like so much fun! All the decorations are awesome! Loving all the Lorax projects and writing as it is personal favorite of mine. What a great idea with the Thneeds.

    Apples and Papers

  2. Wow, the doors all look great!! Sounds like a fun night!
    Conversations in Literacy

  3. Hi Julie! Just wanted to let you know I nominated you for an award! Stop by my blog to get it. :)

    WILD About First Grade!

  4. Hi! I am now a follower of your blog! Hope you will come over tho mine and be a follower. I am new to this blogging stuff!!


  5. Thanks for the encouraging comments!! I'm your newest follower! I love all of your pictures. It's cool to actually see what others are doing. I'm happy to find another 3rd grade blog!
    Thoughts of a Third Grade Teacher

  6. I Love seeing all of these pictures and how you all got involved for family night!!
