Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Student Teacher

Question for anyone in blogland that is reading this, what advice can you give me about hosting a student teacher/ practicum student?  My school has not met AYP in a while and because of that, we haven't taken any student teachers or practicum teachers.  However, we are located within walking distance of a local university and so my principal is encouraging collaboration with them.  I have been asked to take a practicum student 3 times/week and then possibly host a student teacher next year.  I really feel like I need to do a fantastic job- to show that even though we have struggled with AYP we are a fantastic school, to help my principal build the connections, and to inspire whoever is placed with me.  I have never had a student teacher before so I am nervous!  I really want to do a great job as a mentor teacher- any tips, advice, or websites to check out would be greatly appreciated!


  1. Some teachers leave the room. That isn't my principal's vision, and it hasn't been mine either. I was always there. I figured I owed it to my own kids as much as to the student teacher/intern. I was constantly writing notes about what I wanted them to continue doing and one or two things that they could work on. My intern went on to do her student teaching and would her mentor teacher for suggestions and didn't get any. It was frustrating for her. I figure they're going to spend the rest of their career basically on their own without someone there to guide them, so I might as well spoil them while I can.

    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

    1. Thank you for your advice! I totally agree with you about staying in the room. I was lucky enough to have a fantastic mentor and I know that her guidance truly helped me. I hope I can do the same!

  2. Share, share, share! My advice is to share ideas, printables, files, tips, and even mistakes. I always have a basket for mine that I place a copy of whatever we were doing or notes for her. We emailed a lot back and forth too especially for the interns who weren't in there all day.

    I just found your blog and am your newest follower. I would love for you to come visit me when you get the chance! =)

    Heather's Heart
