Friday, February 10, 2012

Math journals

 **Edited to note that I am linking up to Fantastic Foldables Freebie Link Up **

I am brand new to using math journals.   In fact, I am treating this year as a "learn as we go along" approach to math journals.  I have done some research by reading articles online and whenever I see that someone has written a blog post about it I read it, but really our math journal is a catch all for a bunch of different things.  I kind of like it this way though- we do math vocabulary in it, we work on problem solving in it, we write journal entries in it and sometime we make flip books and paste those in there too!  It has become a great resource for the kids and a wonderful assessment tool for me.

We are looking at different shapes and made a great flip book on the different types of triangles that I wanted to share.

There was a page for each of the 4 types of triangles that they can identify and an extra page to record new triangle vocabulary.

The students used their rulers to draw at least three examples of each type of triangle.
The vocabulary page included attributes of a triangle and a labeled diagram.

These books were then pasted into their math journals for future reference.

Does anyone else use math journals?  How do you incorporate the journals into your curriculum (we use Every Day Math)?  Do you have any resources/suggestions for me?

Happy weekend!


  1. I use math journals for contextual problems. I choose three to four kids to then draw their strategies on the board. They explain their strategy. I take a picture of each one and post it on my wikispace for parents to see what strategies kids are using.
    Forever in First

    1. I love that you take a picture of it and post it online- that is such a great idea!

  2. Here's what it looks like if you're interested.
