This is my summer reading list!
There are a TON of school books in there...normally I don't like to be tied down during the summer but this summer I am making an exception!
I have the opportunity to spend the last week of June training with Anita Archer- so Explicit Instruction will be the first book that I read this summer.
Jonathan Kozol is a favorite of mine and I have been re-reading Letters to A Young Teacher bit by bit throughout this school year. I will finish it during the summer though- so it counts as a summer read!
When Teaching Gets Tough was passed out by my principal with the expectation that we would read it this summer. I know nothing about this book- it doesn't even have any amazon reviews! So, if you know about this book, leave me a comment! :)
I have wanted to read The Courage to Teach for a while and I am thinking that this summer will be my year. "This book is for teachers who have good days and bad — and whose bad days bring the suffering that comes only from something one loves. It is for teachers who refuse to harden their hearts, because they love learners, learning, and the teaching life." — Parker J. Palmer [from the Introduction]
The other three are on my "if I get the chance" summer reading list. I have them and I want to read them but, like I said, I don't like to be tied down in the summer!
Here is what I probably will read instead
I LOVE Terry Pratchett and I am a bit of a nerd about it. After our wedding my husband and I had to drive the 36 + hours from Michigan to Washington and we listened to me- reading Terry Pratchett out-loud- the WHOLE trip! :) It is one of my favorite memories and every summer I add at least another Terry Pratchett book to my repertoire. There are a TON of them so it isn't difficult. Terry Pratchett writes parody fantasy books- as in, the books follow the "rules" of fantasy but he does it in a hilarious way. He has this whole Discworld collection of books where he invented this whole universe and many of the characters pop up in each others books. I am terrible at describing Terry Pratchett but if you are looking for something to read that will make you laugh in the vain of Douglas Adams or Neil Gaiman then I highly recommend it!
Okay- now your turn! Go link up! :)