Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Another Pinterest project!

Today was a half day so it was a perfect opportunity to try out a Pinterest project I have had my eye on since last Winter. These little snowmen are so cute but boy do some of my kiddos have long names!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Hey! Remember me??

It has been along time. I have a whole litany of excuses but none bigger than the fact that my computer died. I mourned her for a long time and then downloaded the blogger app. I still haven't replaced my laptop. I have a desktop if I really need it but for now I can use my phone and enjoy not constantly having a computer on my lap! I don't have much to share. I just wanted to try out the app and pictures.

These are pictures of a Thanksgiving project that we worked on today. I love how creative they are in their responses! Enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving and I should be back soon!